Thursday, 30 May 2013

3 D SCREENS (Laser Imaging)

3D screens

New technologies are commencing and the quality is suiting at its Peak. This time it is something big.......
...... 3 D Imaging through laser Projections...................
without Glassess and screens ............ !!

First step istaken by Japanese display company Burton . Soon it will be able to launch its 3D projectors.

Techique A projector that focuses laser light into moving 3D shapes capable of being displayed in air or under water

PrincipleTo create the effect, focused laser light excites the naturally occurring oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the air...................................PLASMA EXCITATION

Approx Requirment50,000 points of light at 10-15 frames per second

So the coming day is bringing you with 3D Screens..................!!

Monday, 27 May 2013


  • It is a multifactor authentication scheme
  • It presents a 3D virtual environment containing various virtual objects
  • It is simply the combination and the sequence of user interactions that occur in the 3D virtual environment

Some basic Objects used in the Virtual Environment  :

1) A computer with which the user can type; 
2) A fingerprint reader that requires the user’s fingerprint; 
3) A biometrical recognition device; 
4) A paper or a white board that a user can write, sign, or draw on; 
5) An automated teller machine (ATM) that requests a token; 
6) A light that can be switched on/off; 
7) A television or radio where channels can be selected; 
8) A staple that can be punched; 
9) A car that can be driven; 
10) A book that can be moved from one place to another; 
11) Any graphical password scheme; 
12) Any real-life object; 
13) Any upcoming authentication scheme

Some aspects of 3D Virtual Environment Design : 
  • Real-life similarity
  • Object uniqueness and distinction
  • Three-dimensional virtual environment size
  • Number of objects and their types
  • System importance

Advantages over Present password system :
  • The attacker has to try all possible 3D passwords. This kind of attack is very difficult for the following reasons :
    -Time required to login
    -Cost of attacks
  • Due to use of multiple schemes into one scheme password space is increased to great extend

Brain Gate

  • The BrainGate System is based on Cyberkinetics' platform technology to sense, transmit, analyze and apply the language of neurons

  •  The system is designed to restore functionality for a limited, immobile group of severely motor-impaired individuals

  • The System consists of a sensor that is implanted on the motor cortex of the brain and a device that analyzes brain signals

  • The principle of operation behind the BrainGate System is that with intact brain function, brain signals are generated even though they are not sent to the arms, hands and legs.
    The signals are interpreted and translated into cursor movements, offering the user an alternate "BrainGate pathway" to control a computer with thought, just as individuals who have the ability to move their hands use a mouse.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems

A touch screen is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area.

Resistive Touch Screen
A Resistive Touch Screen panel comprises several layers, the most important of which are two thin, transparent electrically-resistive layers separated by a thin space.

These layers face each other, with a thin gap between. One resistive layer is a coating on the underside of the top surface of the screen. Just beneath it is a similar resistive layer on top of its substrate. One layer has conductive connections along its sides, the other along top and bottom.

Capacitive Touch Screen
A capacitive touch screen panel consists of an insulator such as glass, coated with a transparent conductor such as indium tin oxide (ITO). As the human body is also an electrical conductor, touching the surface of the screen results in a distortion of the screen's electrostatic field, measurable as a change in capacitance. Different technologies may be used to determine the location of the touch.The location is then sent to the controller for processing. Unlike a resistive touch screen, one cannot use a capacitive touch screen through most types of electrically insulating material, such as gloves; one requires a special capacitive stylus, or a special-application glove with an embroidered patch of conductive thread passing through it and contacting the user's fingertip. This disadvantage especially affects usability in consumer electronics, such as touch tablet PCs and capacitive smart phones in cold weather.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

YOU MUST KNOW IT..............!!

  • One of every 8 married couples in the US last year met online

  • Up until the 14th of September, 1995, domain registration was free

  • Facebook will pay you at least $500 if you can find a way to hack the site

  • Google logs each search queries into its systems to enhance future search

  • Google uses an estimated 15 billion kWh of electricity per year,
    more than most countries. However, Google generates a lot of
    their own power with their solar panels

  • The domain name was registered on Valentines Day 

  • In 2003, a 14-year old Romanian boy collapsed and was hospitalized because he had been playing Counter Strike for nine days in a row

Monday, 20 May 2013

Embedded Programming Systems

An embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software which is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions.
Some examples of Embedded Programming System are :
  • Alarm / security system
  • Automobile cruise control
  • Heating / air conditioning thermostat
  • Microwave oven
  • Anti-skid braking controller
  • Traffic light controller
  • Vending machine
  • Gas pump
  • Handheld Sudoku game
  • Irrigation system controller
  • Mars Rover 

Running Of An Embedded Program : 

          Reset vector - 

  • Written in assembly
  • Very first thing that runs at start-up and considered as hardware-specific code
  • Perform simple functions like setting up the processor into a pre-defined steady state by configuring registers
  • Jumps to the startup code

    Startup code - 
  • First software-specific code that runs
  • Its job is basically to set up the software environment so that C code can run on top
  • Define the stack pointers and heap pointers
  • It will execute main()

    Application code - 
  • Written as hardware-agnostic 
  • The application code make use of library functions
  • Libraries are usually statically linked in embedded systems

  • Provide primitive C functions
  • Implement things like software floating-point support
  • There are hardware-specific libraries to access the I/O devices

    Interrupt/Exception handler
  • These are routines that run at random times during normal code execution
  • Written in assembly

Monday, 13 May 2013


Process of analyzing a string of symbols either in natural language or in computer languages according to the rules of a formal grammar.

Parsing algorithms for natural language cannot rely on the grammar having 'nice' properties as with manually designed grammars for programming languages.
As some grammar formalisms are very difficult to parse computationally.

So, this problem is solved by "Parser" which uses algorithms like-CKY algorithm , shift-reduce algorithm etc.
A parser is one of the components in an interpreter or compiler that checks for correct syntax and builds a data structure. It parses the source code of a computer programming language to create some form of internal representation.

Types of parser :

Top-down parsers : Tokens are consumed from left to right in this type of Parsing.
                               Eg- LL parsers and recursive-descent parser
Bottom-up parsers : This type of parser is Shift-Reduce Parsing.
                               Eg-LR parsers , LALR parser , Canonical LR  parser , GLR parser

Parser development software : ANTLR , Bison , Coco/R , GOLD , JavaCC , Lemon , Parboiled , ParseIT , Ragel , SHProto (FSM parser language) , Spirit Parser Framework , Syntax Definition Formalism , SYNTAX , VisualLangLab , XPL , Yacc